
Dierdre Cole

Name: Dierdre Cole
Archetype: Defender
Origin: Science
Description: 5'3", athletic, black hair, dark brown eyes surrounded by the discoloring caused by her manipulation of negative energies
Powersets: Kinetics/Dark Blast


Dierdre is the clone of the hero Midnite Tempest.

Because of difficulties during the cloning process, Dierdre's purpose was lost, and she developed a will and personality of her own. In the months that followed, she met, learned to trust, and eventually fell in love with Raene's (Midnite Tempest) best friend, Derek Cole.

Unlike Raene, Dierdre is more grounded in her nature, and her curiousities revolve around the immediate world around her rather than a desire for adventure in the next port of call. In spite of an initial insecurity in her identity, she has come to embrace both her similarities to her "sister" as well as her differences. She thinks before she acts. She can't bear to see another person suffer. She finds beauty in the world around her.

In March of 2006, Dierdre and Derek were married, and now live in Talos.

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