
Fun Dip

"So, like...this boy was like...'I dare ya', and I was like...'No. way.' So, he said 'I double-dog dare ya', and I was like...'NO. WAY!' But, then he was like, 'I'll buy you beer', so I was like...'WAY!' And, I jumped into this ice-fishing hole we found, cuz he was like daring me to jump in...
"Anyway...so, no one said that the water under the ice was like...moving waaay too fast, and I thought I was gonna maybe drown or something, but there was this weird green glowing thing? And it bit me. And, then, there was this like...a break in the ice? And I came out looking like this.
"Except for the mohawk. I did that myself!"
"Yeah, I did used to be blonde. How could you tell?"

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