Five months later...
In the cockpit of the Wanderer, two figures sat in the captain's and co-pilot's chairs, their hands clasped and hanging in the space between them. They silently counted six detonations - each representing a charge one of them had planted - and their resultant explosions along the underbelly of a ship known as the Avenger, a Harrower-class dreadnought that presumably carried it's owner, the Sith known as Darth Ragious.
"You know, this will be a great story."
"It's too bad that no one is ever going to believe it."
He had taken three days of her life, her ship, and in the months that had followed, a piece of her sanity; as he'd used the Force in ways Aittera hadn't known were possible - appearing so that only she could see him, influencing her thoughts, visiting her in her most vulnerable moments. He had tried to manipulate her into believing that submitting herself to him was something she wanted somehow. When that didn't work, he threatened Selus and her friends, and he even went so far as pursuing the one woman who had helped her the most by using the Force to shield her mind from his influences.
And now, Aittera and Selus had struck a blow in return that he would not be able to ignore. She didn't let herself hope that they had gotten so lucky as to have actually killed him. That would be nice, but her luck had never been that good. Blowing up his flagship while he was on it was a hell of a message though.
And she was just getting started.
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