
Dumb Kriffing Luck (Ongoing Story)

A shuttle was waiting for the Avenger when it dropped out of hyperspace on its return from its most recent assignment. The shuttle emitted a repeated signal for pick-up (as though it belonged to the dreadnought's contingent). A sensor sweep of the shuttle revealed that it was on auto-pilot and unmanned. Inside the shuttle's cockpit was a stasis chamber containing a dead agent - one of the dozen or so sent out to look for signs of Aittera Timm in the Outer Rim.

Ragious brought his senior adviser, who he had entrusted to handle the agents, to make the positive ID on the body. Then he asked her to give him a run down of where this Agent had been assigned, hoping it would give him insight into where Aittera may have gone.

The agent's last three reports had been filed more than two months previous, and she'd failed to check in ever since. The reports indicated that there had been no progress as yet, and the agent had been checking various systems near Hoth.

The tracking software for the agent's ship indicated the impossible position of being beneath the surface of a moon in another part of the Outer Rim altogether than the last system she'd checked in from. When Ragious's team investigated the moon, they found just the transponder in an underground cave, fastened to a stalactite. Weeks later, they would find evidence of other parts of the ship, sold in various places on several different planets, essentially strewn across different systems from one end of the Outer Rim to the other in no discernible pattern.

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