
Dumb Kriffing Luck

[This thread is essentially an account of what happens after this story. Full explanation in the comment thread.]

The regularly scheduled broadcast of the Holonet News fades, replaced by a holo-image that flickers in blue, a Sith clad in deadly black armor under the robes of their order.  His stance is imposing as he takes down the hood of the robes and begins to speak.

“Before you begin to try to block this signal, you should know that I have some of the best slicers in the galaxy working against you.  My name is Darth Ragious of House Arren, and the recipient of this message knows who I am speaking to.  You may have changed everything to hide from them, but you will never be able to hide from me.  This message will find you. As I said - and as you saw - my people are the best, and they will make sure this message reaches the furthest edges of the rim if that is where you've gone.  You know where I am.”

The image fades again, and the news anchors look like they don't know what happens, but it is obvious that someone quickly tells them to ignore the message, the same one that will be repeated and shared over and over.

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