
Hot Spark

Name: Jaina Anderson
Origin: Magic
Gender: Female
Age: 32

Backstory: Jaina Anderson's twin brother was visiting Easter Island when he practically stumbled across a small stone idol.  When he returned home to the U.S., he eagerly showed it to Jaina - a burgeoning archeologist - who had it carbon-dated, finding it to be over 3,000 years old.  She insisted that it belonged in a museum, but Jacen wanted to keep it.  In the argument that ensued, the idol was dropped between them, and a hidden compartment was triggered open.  Though neither twin can recount for certain what happened in the moments that followed, their lives would be forever changed.

Jaina's abilities center around the manipulation of fire and electricity.  Her brother's on elements of stone and weather.  Her only explanation for this stems from their fields of study.  While Jacen's former occupation was in the field of geology, Jaina's studies focused on ancient civilizations, their religions, and mystical rites.  They've come to Paragon to put their newfound tallents to the test hoping to turn their accident into a tale of heroism.

Personality Traits: Jaina is friendly, outgoing, and adventurous. 

In-Game Archtype: Blaster
In-Game Powers: Fire Blast/Electricity Manipulation
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Dark Scorpia

Hero Name: Dark Scorpia

Real Name: Sabrina Nysorm

Origin: Natural

Gender: Female

Age: 23

Backstory: The alternate universe that Sabrina used to call home a dark version of our own world dominated by a theocracy run by clerics of the Temple of the Goddess Adiel, The Controller in the Unholy Darkness - a religion that never found even footing in this world.

A member of the inner circle - the uppermost tier of the governing body - had broken his oath of celibacy with an acolyte that he found himself near-obsessed with. The acolyte - Sabrina's mother - fled when she realized that she was pregnant from the encounter, knowing that both her own life and the life of her child were at risk. When Sabrina showed a natural affinity for manipulating dark energies at a young age, her mother did a bit of an about-face, returning with her child to the inner circle with a claim that Sabrina was a "saint" pre-ordained by the circle's own holy scriptures.

By now, Sabrina was 13, and her own confusion had come into the matter. In spite of her mother's beliefs, she hadn't been raised closely to the religion because her mother had been hiding her existence. And all she knew was that she resented the new attention. She'd long felt somewhat trapped between what her mother wanted and the freedom that adulthood promised. Now, she saw that freedom disappearing rapidly as the circle lauded the fulfillment of prophecy.

At 15, she ran away from the temple in which she was being educated and trained for her "destiny". She practically stumbled upon a fissure in time-space caused by another world's version of Portal Corp. When she stepped through, she found herself in this world, and set about learning her new home.

If the concept of new worlds was almost too much for her at first, the concept of an entire country founded on the principals of freedom of religion and inalienable civil rights was more than she knew how to handle. The concept of heros fighting to make the world a better place and safeguarding those freedoms was more than just appealling in the end - it became a calling.

Unfortunately, her absence from her home world did not go unnoticed, and the constant threat that she would be found remained in the back of her mind, keeping her from getting "too close" to anyone. When she registered herself as a hero in Paragon City, she crafted a name for herself that would reflect the "loner" she became to protect herself - The Dark Scorpia. Like the scorpion, she'd built an emotional armor for herself that she hoped was impenetrable, and she cultivated quite a "sting" in her defense. She registered with the barest of information about herself, explaining that her anonymity was far too important to her to give even to the city's officials.

Though this all seemed to be the solution, Scorpia had come to the inevitable fly in the ointment: she was just as lonely as she was before. What good is being free if you're always looking over your shoulder and there's no one to trust? So, she joined the Freedom Phalanx, and over time came to embrace them as the family she'd always wanted.

During the following year, she learned to open up to her friends and trust the heroes around her, yet never quite saw herself as more than the sidekick, the defender, a source of support for those fellow seekers of justice. Slowly, she began to draw on the education she'd received in her youth, accepting the mystical teachings and molding them for her own use.

And finally, her past caught up with her in the form of her father's former apprentice, Kyle Pierce - who kidnapped her with the intent of taking her home so that he could claim a hefty amount of power for himself. Fate stepped in to deny him that priviledge, however, in the form of Sabrina's friends. They defended the defender and showed her once and for all that she belonged with them in the home that she had carved out for herself.

Destiny, however, has not remained denied for Sabrina Nysorm. In the months following her kidnapping, the avatar of the goddess Adiel attempted to take control of the vessel meant for her, and it was time for the sidekick to believe in her own ability to take control of her destiny. This belief in herself was never so strong as it became when Vincent Cross stepped up to her side, believing in her potential and inner strength. With his encouragement and love, Sabrina wrestled with and defeated Adiel's avatar, drawing on the power that was her heritage, and was named a Hero of the City a short time later.

Sabrina is now a member of Exodus - her new family not only by extension, but by marriage to Vincent Cross - and continues to work to safeguard the freedom she has found and still cherishes in her adopted home.

Personality Traits: Sabrina strives to be friendly and to help anyone who needs her. She is vehemently protective of the heroes she works with and will often put herself at risk to keep them on their feet during a fight. She's come into her own in the past year, recognizing that the potential in the people around her is worth the time and effort it takes to cultivate it, so she hopes to help others grow and work together just as she's learned. She's compassionate, affectionate, and often has a smile and a hug ready for everyone around her.

In Game Powers: Force Field/Dark Blast
Archetype: Defender
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Miss Nebula

Champions United :: View topic - Miss Nebula

Hero's Muse

Hero Name: Hero's Muse
Name: Nya
Origin: Magic
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Height: 4'5"

Backstory: Like all faeries, Nya spent copious amounts of time playing pranks on unsuspecting mortals. Unlike quite a few of her kind, she became completely fascinated with them. Her aversion to evil in any form prompted her to toy with her growing interest by creating unique pranks that were meant to punish evil-doers or reward those who sought to bring justice. Most often, she used charms to silently assist those who wielded swords, granting them greater skill, speed, and good fortune.
Her favorite mortal became a knight-errant who gained her attention by saving a child from a cruel man who meant to take the child from its mother by way of "payment" for catching him in the act of stealing some livestock. The knight stepped in even as Nya was concocting some complicated scheme to bring the theif to justice and dispatched him with a sound beating with the flat of his blade before turning him over to the local sherriff. For nearly a decade, Nya followed the knight, eventually revealing her presence to him and remaining his faithful friend...until she decided to reward him for a spectacular display of bravery with a chaste kiss.

This broke the rules (far more than she'd ever bent them previously) and enraged the rest of the hidden fae community. Already, she'd been whispered of as some kind of rogue for revealing her presence to her knight, but this seemed to be the last straw. She was banished for putting her community at risk of discover and sent to live as a mortal.

If you ask Nya, she will tell you that she was too good at being a fairy and jealousy led to her banishment. Because faeries are magical in nature, born of it and created from it, not all of her magic has been stripped from her, so she taps into the magical nature of her existance.

Personality Traits: Nya is incredibly self-assured of her superiority. Faeries, after all, are very special, and she is still a faerie even if only in her own mind. She also approaches the world with the simplistic viewpoint of a fey which can lead to very interesting encounters. Her biggest motivations, however, are a strong sense of justice and an insatiable curiousity about the mortal world.

Powers: Nya is striving to draw on her magical nature to regain some of her powers - especially flight - but thus far has only managed to simulate a spell that creates a personal pocket of hidden space in which she used to carry her sword and now is for anything else that she needs to keep handy.

In-Game Archtype: Defender
In-Game Powers: Kinetics/Energy Blast


Midnite Tempest

Name: Raene Barsa
Origin: Natural
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Description: 5'3", athletic, black hair, dark brown eyes surrounded by the discoloring caused by her manipulation of negative energies

Backstory: Born to a wealthy New England family, Raene was deemed "energetic" as a young child, "rambunctious" as a pre-teen, and "unmanageable" as a teenager by her parents who often found themselves at wits' end as to how to deal with her unruly behaviour. In the hopes that her exuberant (and at times destructive) energies could be channelled more successfully into the bright future her unusually brilliant intellect promised, they enrolled her in an exclusive school that boasted an intensive accelerated accedemic program that guaranteed early college admission. Within six weeks of her arrival, she disappeared.

Over the next 10 years, Raene travelled - first across England (where the school had been) and then further abroad, spending time in Nepal, Tibet, and a smattering of other countries - in a somewhat vagabond manner. She absorbed philosophies and cultures as she wandered in a journey of on-going self-discovery that, in time, helped her turn the inner turmoils of her youth toward more productive, external use.

In this path of spiritual self-discovery, Raene knew that she needed to return home to make ammends with her parents, so she returned to the states. Shortly after her search for them began, it was ended with a visit to Paragon City Hall where she found her family listed among the casualties of the Rikti war. She walked down the hall to the Hero Registration office and applied for a liscense under the name Midnite Tempest.

In the two months that followed, she went back often to check the casualty lists for the names of people she remembered from her youth - people her family had known, other relatives, childhood friends - until she found one that wasn't there. Unfortunately, by this time, Raene had found friends and allies in the other heroes of the city, and two of these heroes had earned the interest of an as yet unknown villain. By the time she reached her childhood friend's front door, there was a trap set for her, and she would suffer at the hands of Crey scientists while a revenant clone was finalized and created to take her place in Paragon.

By the time she was rescued, she'd been severely traumatized, and her best friend was unable to help as she found that her life had shattered in her absence. She left with the intent to never return...

Time, however, heals and gives perspective. Raene has returned to Paragon City to make peace with her past here and try to find something to stay for.

Personality: Raene has an underlying intensity about her that some can find discomforting. She is the calm in the midst of the storm while in combat, but because of what she's been through since arriving in Paragon, she can be somewhat jaded and moody at times. Usually, however, she's friendly, personable, and easy-going.

Powers: By manipulating and directing the abundant emotional and spiritual energies from within herself into the world around her, Raene can affect the people around her by making them more resilient or making criminals less effective in combat.

In-Game Archetype: Defender
In-Game Powersets: Kinetics/Dark Blast