
Tara Hellshot

Tara found herself in what appeared to be a vast corridor lined by doors of every size and nature. She passed doors too small for an elf to pass through, massive doors that might allow easy passage to dragons or the mammoth giants that populated the northern regions in the world she called home, simple doors made of mahogany or birch, garish doors covered in precious metals and gems. Some were wide enough for several men to pass through shoulder to shoulder with ease.

The corridor stretched on for what seemed an eternity, and after several hours, she still had yet to come to the end. She turned to return to the door she'd come through in the first place, but found that not only couldn't she remember what it had looked like, but that she wasn't quite sure the the doors she'd passed in just the past few minutes were the same she was seeing now. Wasn't this one a rich, sapphire-like blue, not a dark, textured wood she didn't quite recognize?

She soon came to the realization that she wasn't just lost, but that the corridor itself was ever-changing, and there was no clear way to find the door back the way she'd come from.

So, she chose a door and stepped through...
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