
Character Spotlight: Vicious Deception

Villain Name: Unholy Bloodthirsty Vicious Deception
Character Name: Kerri (or J, to those who knew her in her 'former life')
Server: Champion
Level: 30
Archetype: AR/Dark Corruptor
VG: The Company
Next Team-up Night: Wednesday, March 5th, 8pm EST
Mayhem Needed: King's Row
SFs Needed: Silver Mantis, Renault, Tesseract
Description: Returned from the dead with a demon attached to her
Most recently: Respec'd a while back, and I'd just like to say that Tar Patch + Ignite = Disgusting amounts of damage! :)
Got to use the vet demon wings in her 30 costume slot to show how the demon symbiote that drives her to kill has taken a firmer hold on her, and I think she looks so damn cool.

(Clickie for big 'uns)

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