
Personnel File: Qel'rend

Name: Qel'rend

Race: Zabrak

Assumed Age: 17

Occupation/Skill Set: Sith Sorceror. Diplomacy. Investigation and research. Some slicing capability. Ability to keep a cool head in any situation.

Known Connections: Apprentice to Lord Zadakiel Physical Description: 5'4, dark green eyes rimmed with red that seldom betray emotion, short red hair Personality: Self-confident, but not arrogant. Respectful of those she deems deserves her respect. Guards her true emotions carefully.

Biography: No information available before she first arrived for training as a Sith. Even the referring party's name has been removed from public and private records. Qel's training was accelerated despite her instructors' concerns that she is not of Sith birthright or blood, as well as their efforts to inhibit her advancement. She impressed (and continues to impress) those who looked beyond her race and recognized a natural affinity with the Force. She resides on Lord Zadakiel's ship, but can often be found in the Seekers' archives when researching or out on errands for her master or herself.

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