
Aittera's story

Because this is a blog and not a forum thread, the posts go from newest to oldest, which can be frustrating for anyone who hasn't been reading the stories shared here all along. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, because in the past, there were all of two people reading here, and I fell off of writing continually for any one character for a long while. 

However, posting for Aittera has become something I've fallen in love with, and I'm excited to find that a few new people are interested in her as well. I thought about posting a journal thread at a forum (and I might still do that), but in my experience, it's best to keep a copy of your work even when you trust the management of a forum. So, with that in mind, I've created two google documents to organize and post her ongoing story in a more traditional oldest to newest format. 

The first document is entitled Picking Up the Pieces and contains some of the original posts I made for her before some OOC issues kind of wrangled her story into a corner of sorts. I'm including it, though, because it contains some of the building blocks of who she is at her core and some of her history.

The second document, The Next Chapter, begins with where I started to pull her back on course and will be where I continue to add what's posted here as I go. 

Anyway, thanks for reading!

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