
Exactly! (OOC Post)

When I read this, I realized this is exactly why Joss Whedon's shows have always appealled to me. This describes exactly the kind of stories I like to RP and why I have so much love for Aittera and characters like her.

"But Joss Whedon's version of a hero doesn't always win. He loses more than he wins, and when he wins, the victories are tiny, but he takes 'em. "That's a victory! I call that a victory!" It's a tiny victory — he takes it, and that's what he walks away with. And that's something I can actually relate to.

That's something that people can relate to — because that's actually life. I don't know a lot of people who win more than they lose. Life is kind of a losing proposition as you go. It's not all winning lotteries every day. It's a lot of "What do I do with this problem? Now how do I handle this?" I think people can relate easier to someone who isn't prepared to handle every single situation, and everything comes out roses and their way, and all they've got to do is be cool. We don't have that in real life."

--from Nathan Fillion's forward in Whedon: The Biography

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