
Dumb Kriffing Luck (Ongoing Story)

Over the following year, three more agents would turn up in a similar way - one sent to search Hutt Space, one sent to the Unknown Regions, and another sent into the Core. The first was returned in his ship - sent on auto-pilot for where the Avenger was still in the Outer Rim during Ragious's investigation.

The second produced a similar wild goose chase as the initial agent - returned in a shuttle, though none of his ship's components could be found. At least, not until the ship showed up carrying the third agent several months later.

Each time a new lead was found, Ragious would rely on his apprentice to chase it. He was frustrated with the lack of progress, but it became a sort of weird game to him. He continued sending Agents, even if she was going to keep killing them, refusing to allow Aittera forget him.  He would check in with Jocelyn every so often, hopeful her research had yielded something to help him get around what she had done to Aittera.

Over time, Jocelyn's disparate personalities moved past the internal struggle for control and began to work with each other to a point, allowing for the research into a technique to aid Ragious. She couldn't remove the block she'd placed on Aittera's mind, but she would eventually be able to teach him a method by which to detect the block's 'signature' in a manner of speaking. Proximity would stilll be an issue, of course, but if he could put himself on the same world that Aittera was on at the same time, he could theoretically locate her.

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