
OOC Post - Ask Prompt: Player-Character 2

-Asks for the Player-

4) How long have you been RPing?

Twenty years?

5) What do you think is one of your character's better traits?

I think Riukii's best trait is buoyancy. She was in one of those relationships that bordered on abuse to begin with, and then, her husband pretty much went psycho on her. She could have walked out of that situation completely broken - and I tend to favor the kind of character who would, if I'm honest - but instead, she uses her past to catapult her forward. Riukii can beat any odds just because she believes she can. I love that about her.

Aittera is incredibly self-possessed and confident, even when she doesn't know what the hell she is doing. 

Jocelyn can feel a little chameleon-like, adjusting for each situation she is in by accessing a vast store of experiences. It makes her a great representative for her house and allows her to get along with just about anyone. Yet, in all of that, there is so much she has yet to experience, she'll never bore me. 

6) What do you think is one of your character's worst traits?

For as much of the tough girl act as she puts out there, Ali is really a coward when it comes down to it. She needs so badly to be wanted that she readily compromises herself and the people she claims to care most about.

Riukii lacks impulse control. Seriously. It gets her into all sorts of trouble.

Come to think of it, lack of impulse control gets more than a few of my alts into trouble...

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