
OOC Post - Ask Prompt: Player-Character 9

-Asks for the Character-

L) What is something you hate doing?

Sheri'dan: "Thinking about going home. After my dishonorable discharge, it was made clear to me that I never can."

Rismaa: "As much as I love working for HHN and helping the kids involved, I hate that moment when it's time to say goodbye. You know they're going to be alright now - because you're leaving them with people who will help them - and you know they're finally safe, but it's letting of that awesome kid you just got to know and got through to, knowing you probably won't see them again."

Aittera: "Thinking about the past. I avoid it as much as I can."

M) If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

Tholata would be bigger and stronger so no one could ever hurt her again, though she'd never voice that.

Somaesthesia: "I'd be taller."

Rismaa: "I wouldn't be Force sensitive. It ruined everything."

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